Sunday, March 22, 2009

5 Beginner Strategies For Promoting Your MLM Website

By []Stephanie Valentine

Promoting your MLM website follows somewhat the same steps as promoting your MLM blog, with a few variations depending on whether you are using a replicated company-approved site or you are using a custom site you designed yourself. A replicated MLM website is a cookie-cutter website that your parent company has approved for every distributor to use. When you sign up for one of these websites, you will get one that includes your name, ID number, picture, and a few other details, but basically looks the same as every other distributor's site. A custom MLM website is one you create yourself, with its own look and feel, and information. First we'll go over the promotion techniques that work regardless of which kind of site your have.

Promotion Strategies for Replicated and Custom Websites

1. Promote Your Web Address Offline

You never know who is going to prefer learning about your company online so always be sure to include your web address every time you do any offline marketing and promotion. Add your web address to business cards, brochures, presentation handouts, and your bio. Hand out your website and email addresses every chance you get. This gives people a chance to learn about your business without having to talk to you and when it's convenient for them.

2. Submit Your Website to Major Search Engines

Major search engines want you to submit your website address to them because it saves them from having to come and find you. Plus, the more websites they can claim to have indexed the more popular they can claim to be. At a minimum, submit your website to these six search engines:

- Google
- Yahoo (you may need to create an account if you don't have one)
- Windows Live
- Alexa
- Librarian's Internet Index

3. Include Your Website Address in Online Signatures

If you sign guestbooks on other people's websites or on their social media pages, or add comments to other people's blogs, be sure to include your website address in your signature. Your signature should include a sign off (like "To the Top!" or "Cheers" or "Make it Great!") as well as your name, and your website address. Where appropriate you may also want to include your business phone and email address. Mine looks something like this:

Stephanie Valentine

web address
blog address
email address

Website Promotion Strategies for Custom MLM Websites

If you have your own custom website then you can really go nuts promoting it, but we don't have time to cover all the promotion techniques here so we'll just go over the basics. When you have a custom website you can a lot to increase the traffic to your site by using the right keywords in certain places on your website. What are the "right keywords"? They are popular words that people enter into search engines and yet are not being used by a lot of other websites.

For instance, when it comes to MLM, here are some keywords that have quite a few searches (over 1,000 per month on Google) yet very little competition:

- mlm how to
- home business blog
- mlm email marketing
- mlm online opportunity
- network marketing money

To search for keywords that are relevant to your MLM website, use free tools like the Google Keywords tool or Good Keywords. The Google Keywords tool is the simplest to use. You just enter the keywords you think will be popular and relevant to your website, and the keyword tool will tell you how many searches there were for each keyword in the past month (and the average per month). The tool also tells you how much competition exists for the keyword. Best of all, Google will also suggest other relevant keywords.

You may want to include a unique set of keywords for each page on your MLM website as this will increase your chances of being ranked higher in the search engines. For instance, on a page where you discuss compensation plans, you may want to include keywords that focus on "MLM money" or "MLM compensation plans" or "network marketing money." Once you have selected your keywords, here are some steps you can take to capitalize on those keywords.

4. Include Keywords in Multiple Locations on Web Pages

With the list of keywords you have chosen for each page on your MLM website, evaluate all the places where you could easily and logically insert the keywords. You will need to access the html code of the web pages for some of these locations. Consider the following places:

- web page title (should contain 5 to 8 words)
- keyword metatag (no more than 255 characters; the first 60 are most important)
- description metatag (a sentence or two describing the content of the webpage)
- headers (anything using the h1, h2, or h3 tags)
- the first paragraph of your text
- other appropriate locations in the text of the page
- links to other web pages or websites

5. Use a Narrow Set of Keywords

When choosing and using keywords, remember to use the same narrow set of keywords (no more than 5-8 keywords) per webpage. The repeated use of these keywords gives you keyword density, which counts for a lot when search engines are considering how high to rank your site. You may even want to develop a few web pages that are focused on a few specific niche-oriented keywords. If you do, make the page very keyword rich and make the content very, very solid.

There are obviously thousands more ways that you could promote your website but these steps should get you started. If you are new to online MLM marketing, I would suggest sticking with an MLM blog and using a company-approved replicated site to keep matters simple.

Stephanie Valentine has been a successful network marketer for over a decade. She does her MLM business online and helps others do the same. For tips, tricks, rants, and raves about online MLM and small business, visit and

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